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Warner, 1559[^]40870 Mortal Kombat XL on Xbox One

Pre-Order and get the Cosplay Pack DLCOne of the best-selling titles of 2015 has gone XL! Komplete T
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Warner, 1559[^]40870 Mortal Kombat XL on Xbox One
Pre-Order and get the Cosplay Pack DLCOne of the best-selling titles of 2015 has gone XL! Komplete The Mortal Kombat X Experience with new and existing content. Includes the main game and new playable characters the Xenomorph from Alien Leatherface Tri-borg and Boandrsquo;Rai Cho. Previously released playable characters include Predator Jason Vorhees Tremor Tanya and Goro. Also includes new skin packs Medieval Pack Apocalypse Pack and a new environment the Pit Stage. All previously released skins (Barcode EAN=5051892195294)

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